Saturday, January 26, 2008

Happy Australia Day!

So today is Australia day. If we were back in Oz, we'd probably be having a BBQ with our family and enjoying the hot summer day. Instead today, l will just reflect back on some of the things l love about Australia. The laid back living, the beautiful beaches, fish n chips(mmm), the smell of gum trees, cadbury chocolate (just can't get good chocolate here), arnotts biscuts, visiting my family, going up to the farm and visiting my in laws, the abundance of multicultural restaurants, and Vic market. These of course are just a few of my favourite Aussie things.

Here are the rest of the one a day photos.

Happy Australia Day Mate!

Day 26

In honour of Australia day.

Day 25

We often have game night on Fridays with the Oakleys and Fentons.

Day 24

I found these this morning, thanks to Liam.

Day 23

They eat it by the truck loads, at least two if not three a day. No complaints here.

Day 22

Especially love getting into a freshly made bed with crisp clean sheets.

Day 21

Love having the house smell good and this little vignette in the kitchen.

Day 20

Just the usual Sunday afternoon baseball practice.

Day 19

Finally found an album for my one a day photos. Love seeing them all come together.

1 comment:

Tiz said...

Thanks Mate...we spent Australia Day Observance at Queens Park. Had lunch under a shady tree on a rug while the kids ran wild. Very relaxing.