Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Is it really the First day of School already?

Yes, after months of having them around, 24/7 , Coco and l were left alone in a quiet house. I will say this summer flew for me, and l was not as enthusiastic to send them back to school as l have been in previous years. Somehow summer just flew too fast.

So begins the start of new routines, school, homework, piano lessons, baseball, school dances, etc etc.

This is the last year of Elementary school for Liam. He started 5th grade today and we are very happy that he has the same 5th grade teacher Maddy had, the wonderful Mrs. O.

I was happy to see that our many talks this summer about responsibilities and how important these following middle and high school years are going to be paid off.This morning he woke up when the alarm went off and got himself dressed and had breakfast without me having to remind him.

He also did his homework and reading after school without any prompting from me. He and his friend Shane were super excited because they are now the older kids on the bus and thus get to sit at the back of the bus, cracked me up.

Maddy is entering 7th grade, and despite the first day nerves she did wonderful, and is very excited about her classes. The kid is super easy when it comes to school and is very self motivated and organized.

Of course l took my annual "first day of school" photo, and no l did not ask them to wear matching outfits, they totally picked their own clothes out the night before. Now as for Coco, l couldn't help but sense that she knew what was going on, and did make it a little difficult for the kids to leave this morning, l know she misses them.

We both miss them.

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