Wednesday, December 31, 2008

December Update

Someone stop this year from speeding by. December came knocking before l even knew November had gone.

My Aunt and Uncle (Zia and Zio) arrived on the 8th of the month. We did some Christmas shopping, went to Dealey Plaza.

Visited the Fort Worth Stockyards.

Did a day trip down to Fossil Rim and Dinosaur Valley in Glen Rose.

Went looking at the Christmas Decorations and lights.

Got our first Freeze.

Celebrated Darren's birthday at Boi Na Braza.

Celebrated Christmas Eve with all our friends, this has become a tradition of ours. This year marked our 4th anniversary. Christmas day was spent opening gifts, having a delicious Christmas lunch complete with Turkey, Ham and bonbons and playing card games.New Years Eve was celebrated with our dear friends the Oakley's and the Fentons at our house, playing Pool, Bingo and Poker.

And here's to a great 2009(although it will seem a little quiet after all the visitors we've had this year)! May it be full of Happiness, Peace, Love and lots of cool memories.

1 comment:

TiMi Hotlove said...

It very funny.
I am from CHINA,and i think make friends with everybody.