Monday, February 23, 2009

Excuse me, but who are you?

And what have you done with our kids and their friends?

This all started Saturday afternoon with a shopping spree at Costco where Darren got Guitar Hero band. Soon after bringing it home and setting it up the kids started to play with it. Well that was it, exit kids enter Rock Star personalities.
All day and night well until 1am nothing could be heard but "Band on the Run", " Living on a Prayer" and "Eye of the Tiger" belting out from upstairs.
Out came the wigs, and l tell you we had a Rock Band living with us. The next morning we were awaken by music and someone singing "Eye of the Tiger" with some real emotion, thanks Harrison.
We couldn't help but laugh and were kind of happy with ourselves that our kids were getting exposed to all sorts of music.
This my friend was money well spent.

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